Car Loans

Whether you are purchasing a vehicle for personal use for yourself and your family or for business purpose, Comprehensive can match the right Lender to your requirements – and usually at rates well below what you could negotiate through your bank.

In general, most vehicle loans are placed over a maximum loan term of seven years – though this can vary depending on the value of the vehicle and at time, the age of the vehicle.

Comprehensive Lending can also assist with the funding of other personal assets such as boats, caravans, personal watercraft to mention a few. In fact, if you are purchasing a tangible asset, then it is most likely that Comprehensive Lending will be able to arrange the finance.

Goods Mortgage

A goods mortgage is probably the most common loan structure used for the purchase of a motor vehicle predominantly for personal use. It is effectively a personal loan, which is secured via a mortgage over the goods – in this case, a car. This structure can also be used to purchase a boat, caravan or any other identifiable and securable asset that is to be used wholly or predominantly for personal use.